Being stuck on a plane without wifi is the worst. Instead I get lots of time to think of junk posts. This is one such one. The poetic waxings of cashmere travel wear…

Like any normal person who lived through Covid I became obsessed with “leisure” wear or whatever fancy name they gave to sweatpants. Before I left Paris it had become an every day staple. I can’t remember if it had already hit Paris, but for whatever reason the winter of 2019-2020 it was fashionable to leave the house in them. During Covid you couldn’t wear anything else. 

In America though is really where it became king. I had more options. I bought anything that looked or felt cozy. And because of the pandemic they went extra making clothes that you could be comfortable in, which is saying a lot because America already does that (jeggings were first leggings made to look like jeans that they sold on infomercials). 

As I’ve mentioned before, France is expensive when it comes to clothes. I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s VAT (20%) maybe it’s the trade deal, I don’t know, but buying clothes in France sucks. I much prefer buying in America. Lucky for me my favorite store is best bought at home. 

This is by no means a sponsored post. It’s fangirling. I am loyal by nature, and I’ve found that J.Crew is the style that speaks to me. I decided to make it my one and only back in 1999, and it hasn’t let me down since. 

J.Crew is not cheap, but it’s also not terribly expensive either (they always have sales). I love their classic silhouettes in modern prints and colors. One of my favorite pieces in my collection is this little tweed 60’s mod skirt set in citron/lime green. It’s classic but the color makes it fresh. They really have some of the best colors. I’ve memorized most of them by name from shopping with them over the years, but I’m sure they have a ton more in their library. There’s just something appealing about the way they market them too. It speaks to my inner merchandiser who wants clothes to look like candy does to children.

What’s more they’ve embraced making everything in cashmere. Pants, socks, T-shirts, hair scrunchies, slippers, eye masks, bras, shorts, you name it, they have it in cashmere. And I own it all. 

To say I went a little crazy buying everything is an understatement. They’ve always done cashmere, but never overkill like this. Do you really need a cashmere hair scrunchie or long line bralette? No, but why not? It’s there. 

Come winter I will be nice and cozy. I keep my windows open, it’s a weird fetish for fresh, crispy air so I can’t wait for winter nights. Hailing from Texas where winter doesn’t exist, I revel in it. 

And let’s be real, the go to cashmere in Paris is Eric Bompard. It’s like triple the price. Why pay that when you can pop on over to America? You can get a ticket to NYC for 99€.

That said I cannot extol enough the virtues of making it your go to travel wear. I have the wide leg featherweight and the regular sweatpants, but the wide leg featherweight are the most comfortable. They’re thin, and while I’m afraid of snagging them, I do bring them out on special occasions. In this case being stuck in a flying tin can for hours. 

Carting it all to France, my collection mostly took up my checked bags because I didn’t trust shipping it. But I brought along all of my staples (navys, blacks, whites and greys) in my carry-on just in case AirFrance lost my luggage. My biggest fear. Airlines cannot be trusted.

I keep a hoodie, sweatshirt, socks, ballet flats, eye mask, headband, and wrap (works as a blanket or fold it for a pillow) under my seat in case I get too anxious from being stuck in a seat for hours and I need to swaddle myself in comfort. I really cannot put into words how much I hate traveling. It’s a pain in the ass so making my little 1ft sq space as comfy as possible is a must. 

I hate dressing casual on a plane because I feel like it has degraded what used to be this really glamorous thing (air travel) and it has instead become this really slobbish thing, but sitting on a plane for hours sucks and being comfy is a necessity *le sigh* 

What are your go to travel wear tips/comfy travel hacks? I am always open to learning new and inventive ways to take the suck out of it. Especially the Europe to America route (which I swear feels so much longer than 6-7 hours). 

So much choice and in so many colors: