Paris Curfew or normal Paris after 11pm?

May 19th officially ushered in the second step in the lockdown exit. Yeah I wasn’t even aware there was a first step. The following is a list of things that have changed with this second step:

1) The curfew is now 9pm instead of 7pm. You will still need an attestation if you are out after that time. Failure to provide one will mean a fine. They plan to move it to 11pm on June 9th. As most of Paris is already asleep by 11pm, and restaurants close at that time anyhow, it will feel more normal. 

2) Reopening of non-essential storesterracescultural places such as museumsmonumentsmovie theaterstheaters, and show venues.

3) Crowds can return to stadiums, and hotel restaurants can reopen to guests staying over

4) Gatherings of over 10 people are allowed (instead of 6)

Yeah I’m not even sure about some of these as there have been house parties, and you can see people on the street dressed up going to what is clearly an event. There are also a lot of people out and about, and people are going out-out. It kind of reminds me of Canada. 

Everyone thinks Canada’s border is closed, and the news tells us it is, but I know a few Canadians who tell me all about the mess that is Canada. People spring breaking in Florida, kids going back to school after doing their remote learning at their second homes in the US, people going across the border to Michigan to get vaccinations, not to mention all of the weird shutdowns and reopenings. And poor Canada expects their lockdown to continue until at least October because they can’t get access to vaccines. 

There’s a lot of misinformation out there. You soon realize not all of it is true (like there were a lot of English people traveling to the US but ‘officially’ they weren’t allowed, and Americans in Italy before Italy “reopened”). You realize that what they say you can’t do, you actually can. 

When June 9th hits I will post updates. Although if June 9th is the reopening to tourists than surely June 9th is the last step (of 4)? A whole mess 🤦🏻‍♀️