A lot of great things have come out of Covid. I’m sure not many will agree, and I think if I had spent Covid in a place that didn’t only have a one month lockdown I would feel more negatively about it. But I didn’t and I don’t.

Paris is pretty much Paris. I go to restaurants and they give you menus. Very few still do the QR code. However this isn’t just the QR code, this is a shoutout to all of the restaurants who use the Sunday app

I first encountered it when I went to Sir Winston. It was like a Tuesday evening but the restaurant was packed (RSVPs only) and there was only one waitress. Getting drinks was hard enough, it was impossible for anyone to get her attention. After 4 hours of drinking and dinner we were like we’re probably going to be here for another hour because we could not get her back to the table. Every time we tried she always said hold on. 

Then I was like hold up, let me look at the menu for something, and there at the bottom it said ‘pay your bill’. Not only is this highly convenient because I swear it takes French waiters years to bring the bill, but it’s fucking fantastic when you need to pay for what you ordered. I’m not sure why it’s always such a huge inconvenience (waiters in America literally bring you separate checks), but in France it’s a fucking nightmare. Well not anymore because the Sunday app lets you choose your items and then pay for them all on your phone. 

Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a list of restaurants that use it, and so far I have only found two ☹️ But I will say this, the few I have been to that use it will probably get my repeat business because it is so, so very convenient. I wish all Paris restaurants would implement it. 

Go tech nerds! Another thing to make my life that much easier… I don’t know what the American equivalent is but I’m totally going to buy stock in it.