How many of us will be hiking in Balenciagas?

A press conference was held to usher in the 20th edition of Nuit Blanche. More details were released which makes the whole hiking aspect of it somewhat more clear? To be honest with you it made no sense. Now it kind of does… but I’m questioning what art and hiking have to do with each other. 

As we all know, and those of us who live here dread, the Olympics will be here in 2024. As some kind of tie in with that, the city has decided to make this year’s Nuit Blanche physical. One may ask why not do the Museum runs again? But this is France, and nothing makes sense, so instead they’ve created hikes all around the city. The largest one being along the periph. 

The city explains (translated): they “have chosen to focus on the celebration of the body, to break down the boundaries between disciplines and to honor culture and sport through activities combining the two disciplines. At the heart of their project, the Grande Randonnée (GR75), a walking route along the Parisian ring road erected by the French Hiking Federation as part of the application for the 2024 Olympics, will act as a common thread leading to the 200 places and events. – free -, planned for the occasion”. Yeah it’s a reach. 

As I mentioned there are 3 that were named. Now there are a few more details. To me it just sounds like the French are taking great pains to find new and inventive ways to lose the Covid 19.

The start of the event will of course kick off at the Hotel de Ville. Mourad Merzouki will organize a “choreographic walk”. Spectators will dance in unison and it will be implemented at the same time in eight other town halls and five other towns. A video broadcast will be provided in order to coordinate the various audiences.

From there Paris has boasted there will be 200 events. Some of which require registration. Those include the much more demanding GR®75 loop. 

The GR®75 will consist of the northern route, which will link the Porte d’Aubervilliers to the Porte des Lilas. That area will host an event at the Georges Vallerey Olympic swimming pool, built for the 1924 Games. It will include a DJ Set with choreography called “Swimming Pool Party”, imagined with the assistance of the French artistic swimming team. 

Another route will join the Porte de Vincennes to the Grands Moulins, passing through the forecourt of the François Mitterrand Library where the work of plastic artist, Laurent Perbos, will be visible.

Finally to the west, another route will start from Balard and will serve the Porte d’Auteuil. Party-goers can make a stop at the Roller Dance Party, organized at the Trinquet Village on the Quai Saint-Exupéry. Others can watch a screening of French director Lola Gonzàlez’s film Les Anges at Serres d’Auteuil.

The city has promised that Covid will not ruin the night. In fact they’re making such a huge deal of it, as if they’re trying to come back from the lackluster 2020 event in a big way. They claim that the events will take place normally like they did in 2019. The health pass will only be required for indoor spaces, and most events are huge art installations that take place outside so it doesn’t appear that many events will be indoors. It’s certainly warm enough for it.

The whole thing sounds like a good excuse for my Apple Watch to close my rings so sure art and hiking 😒 The only question now is what events are you signing up for? With 200 there might be too much choice.